IH Certificate in Teaching Languages (IHCTL)

What is it?

The core training programme for new teachers is the IH Certificate in Teaching Languages (IHCTL). The format and content is very similar to the CELTA and Trinity TESOL;  the difference is that the course is assessed and accredited by IHWO’s Assessment Unit but not by an external exam board. The IHCTL is an intensive 120-hour 4-week comprehensive and practical teacher training course which provides candidates with the methodology and hands-on teaching practice required to effectively manage an ESL classroom. Trainees get the necessary competencies to become successful language instructors and a solid foundation to continue learning and developing as a teacher.

Who is this course for?

The IHCTL is beneficial to those who have had no prior teaching experience as well as those with ESL or other teaching experience but without formal internationally-recognised qualifications.

What are the entry requirements?

The entry requirement is that you are a proficient English language user (between CEFR Level C1 and C2 or above) and educated to the standard required for entry into higher education.

What will you gain?

By taking the course, you will…

  • develop the 4 skills, speaking, listening, reading and writing;
  • analyse language (grammar, lexis, phonology and function) in preparation for teaching;
  • plan a series of lessons;
  • present, revise, practise and correct language at a range of levels;
  • develop classroom management skills;
  • evaluate teaching materials (published and authentic);
  • motivate and challenge learners of varying styles and backgrounds;
  • adapt and respond to different learning and teaching environments.
What would a typical day on the course look like?

Time and session:

  • 9:00 – 11.30 Teaching Practice
    Teaching practice is held every day. You will work together with other trainees to teach groups of students. Each candidate teaches a minimum of eight lessons of a minimum of 6 hours over the four weeks. These lessons will be observed by a/the trainer.
  • 11.30 – 12.30 Break and Post-Lesson Self-Evaluation
    This is an opportunity for you to pause and evaluate the effectiveness of your lesson and suggest possible changes for future lessons.
  • 12:30 – 13:30 Feedback
    Held with your peers and tutor, this session is a chance to discuss the lessons, build upon strengths, and look at areas for improvement and possible ideas for doing so.
  • 13.30 – 14.30 Teaching Practice Preparation
    This time is devoted to providing you support for your upcoming lessons. There is one trainer for a maximum of six candidates to ensure ample time for individualised support. As the course progresses, you will learn to become more autonomous and to plan more independently, just like in the real teaching world!
  • 14:30 – 17.45 Input Sessions
    Every day there are input sessions that cover a range of topics dealing with learner needs, language, skills, teaching techniques, planning, professional development, etc.

The course also includes:

4 hours guided observation of experienced teachers,
6 hours of teaching practice (8 lessons), teaching real language learners over the four weeks of the course.
completing 3 written assignments.


How is the course assessed?

Highly qualified CELTA tutors will give you feedback on planning and delivering your lessons, assess your written assignments and monitor your progress.

Time commitment

The course is extremely demanding and 100% attendance is required. It will not be possible for you to continue working and doing the course at the same time. A considerable amount of work will have to be done outside the scheduled contact hours. Any other commitments during these 4 weeks will definitely hold you back from being successful in the course.

To sign up for the course

  1. You download the application form, complete it and email it to lena_okulskaya@ih.by.
  2. The tutor will contact you to schedule an interview.
  3. If selected, you’ll be asked to make the first payment and complete the pre-course tasks.
более 70 лет обучаем английскому
принимаем международные экзамены
9 школ по городу минску